Our Team
David Haynes
B.Sc. (hons), M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr David Haynes is an environmental scientist with extensive experience in the design, implementation and oversight of environmental, water quality, and in waste and chemical management programmes in Australia and the Pacific region. He is a former Director of the Waste Management and Pollution Control Division at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) and has held a range of past academic and management positions, including coordination of water quality research and monitoring programmes for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA).
Contact: goingtroppo@y7mail.com
Affiliated Contractors

Alice (Richard) Leney
Mr Alice Leney is the Managing Director of Pacific Reef Savers Ltd (New Zealand). Alice has extensive experience in, and is an acknowledged expert in solid waste management, recycling and E-waste management in the Pacific region.

John O’Grady
(B.E. (Chemical), Dip. Public Health Engineering)
Mr John O’Grady is the Director of Araspring Ltd (New Zealand) and is a Chartered Chemical Engineer. John has extensive experience in solid waste and chemical management in the Pacific. John is also an expert in the management of asbestos, used oil and health-care wastes.
Contact: john@cenv.co.nz

Gaylyn Puairana
(B.A. Marine Affairs, M.A.)
Ms Gaylyn Puariana is a highly experienced project manager based in the Solomon Islands. Gaylyn specialises in gender, social inclusion and education issue analysis and policy development in relation to natural resource management in Small Island Developing States.
Contact: gayepuai13@gmail.com

Katenia Rasch
(B.Env. Sc., M.Env. Management)
Ms Katenia Rasch is Samoa based and has spent the last 10 years working on environmental management and pollution control issues. Katenia is a skilled project manager and has extensive experience in Pacific government departmental and community liaison.
Contact: rasch.katenia@gmail.com

Glenn Cant
Mr. Glenn Cant is a Director of G&S Cant Partnership and a New Zealand based consultant. Glenn is an expert in assessment of organic waste streams, the development of appropriate composting systems (including setting up a pilot scale composting operation). He has also managed the development of village owned and operated horticulture enterprises.
Contact: gas.cant@gmail.com

Vicki Hall
(B.Sc., PhD)
Dr Vicki Hall is an Australian based consultant with internationally recognised expertise in policy and strategy development for improved waste and pollution management practices.Dr Hall also brings a wealth of experience in tropical coral reef research, and in research evaluation and State of the Environment reporting.
Contact: hallvicki5@gmail.com

Vale Mary O'Reilly
(B.Sc., M.Sc.)
Ms Mary O’Reilly was the long-time Director of WasteWise Consulting and provided waste management and project management consulting services throughout the Pacific and in New Zealand, Ireland and Vanuatu. Her expertise and enthusiasm made a tangible difference to the lives of people living in developing communities, and her passing is a great loss to family, friends and to the wider Pacific community.